Want a photography lesson?

Have you always wanted to learn more about photography?
Looking for someone patient to help you really understand all the modes on your DSLR?
Want to learn how to go beyond the Auto setting on your camera?
Well, even if you don’t own one or want to learn more before you buy one, contact me so we can set up a time for a private lesson. You will learn useful tips and techniques that will help you create photographs you’ll feel good about.
I’ll teach you how to take stunning photographs of your children, your friends, your family, your vacations, and more. At an affordable price, and with a practical, “hands-on” approach, you will be taking fantastic looking pictures in no time.
• Learn about Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, white balance and how to use them.
• Learn with hands on guidance with your camera or one that Dave will bring for you to use.
• Learn how to choose the camera you need, plus how to use it.
• Learn how to use flash and understand more how lighting can make a huge difference in your photos.
Lessons for individuals:
30 minute lesson $40.00
60 minute lesson $80.00
90 minute lesson $100.00
120 minute lesson $120.00
Lessons for small groups (2-4 people)
30 minute lesson $30.00 per person
60 minute lesson $60.00 per person
90 minute lesson $90.00 per person
120 minute lesson $100.00 per person
“I was thinking of taking a photography lesson since learning hands-on is always better than reading a manual. Dave and I spent two hours together going over basics, using different settings for the same shot, and learning about how much can be done to make one picture different, simply by changing shutter speed or aperture. It was a positive experience, I still need more practice, but got a nice foundation to build my future photography skills on. If you’d like to learn more about your camera, Dave would be a great choice.” ~ Bill